Embracing modern technology

Assalamu Alaikum WW
Faizal Patel who is one of Leader`s Columnist ,many thanks and Jazakallah to Br.Patel of Blackburn by Hizbul Ulama UK & CMSC of GB,
Please see his attached Eid massage and beneficial article in`` Asian LEADER``

From: Faz Patel [mailto:jangaria@hotmail.com]
Sent: 31 August 2011 17:44
Subject: Faz's Forum: Mobil Phones
Importance: High

Please find attached column with regards to "Mobile Phones".  I would also like to wish all those friends who are celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr, a happy and a prosperous Eid.   Any comments please feel free to contact me.
Faz Patel
Leader Columnist